Group Leaders: Trish & Ann

Venue:  Sherwell Church, Tavistock Road, Plymouth

Day: 1st Tuesday   Time: 10:30

(Coffee and Biscuits from 10.00)

Everyone very welcome.

We are a diverse group who enjoy a mixture of speakers linked to world religions, customs, and outreach projects. We also visit places of interest in the local area. Past visits have included Plymouth synagogue, the Greek Orthodox and Coptic churches, and Ford Park Cemetery. We have explored outreach activities in Plymouth and in other parts of the world, such as the Shekinah Mission, the food bank, street children in India, and various local chaplaincies.

These are forthcoming Activities:

Date & Time Until Venue Topic
Tue 6 Aug 2024 10:00 12:00 Sherwell United Church Visit to the Synagogue
Tue 3 Sep 2024 10:00 12:00 Sherwell United Church Arthur Goode – Vineyard Church, Chaplain, Plymouth Argyle, the Uniform Store.
Tue 1 Oct 2024 10:00 12:00 Sherwell United Church Swarupa – Interfaith, one spirit minister.