We regret that this group is full, but enquire if interested. We open doors to buildings  generally closed to the public. Modern or historical in the vicinity of Plymouth. A few of us meet before for lunch after the general meeting but that’s optional. We try and help with the bus there if needed. Else we join others at the building.  Generally it’s free. But if we need the history we usually call on Richard Fisher a local historian to help and give us a tour. In this case we pay him £5.
Enquiries are welcome as are suggestions

Meets: Second Monday of month We plan visits the afternoon same day as U3A Duke of Cornwall meet. But not always as it depends on the buildings. Usually no commitment required. Visits coming up …

June 17th Monday 4pm.  DHS school for boys paradise road Stoke with Richard Fisher £5.

July 10th 2pm Mayflower water treatment works Dartmoor. Free meet Dartmoor diner  Help with transport possible, 

August 12th 2pm Stoke lost places.  Richard Fisher £5 a short walk, many interesting buildings and Blockhouse Redoubt history  

October 14th 2pm  Plymouth new crematorium tour ( has cafe) Free